Introducing Print UV Magazine
The success of the Print UV Conference has been the result of an amazing community of people dedicated to the impact that UV printing can have in the modern world. We are in an industry that is highly defined by the assets under our collective roofs, the solutions that are offered and the products that can be created and delivered to the end-customer. But real progress comes when we connect with one another.
Most companies with a competitive advantage recognize that relationships matter most. Knowledge is becoming commoditized because information is instantly available online and most skills can be learned by anyone through online courses. Most often, that information is free.
The organizations that excel at human relationships are still the ones that will win going forward. It is not simply the brightest who have the best ideas; it is those who fully engage with like-minded people. That is what Print UV embodies and that is why we are so excited to extend our reach with our new magazine.
Print UV is an endeavor to build a relationship by listening and understanding. While we know the incredible work that you produce, we believe true value no longer stems from products alone. We realize that to be truly valuable to a market, you must sincerely invest in the relationship and that is what we are doing with Print UV magazine.
We are extending the Print UV platform and are committed to content that focuses exclusively on the people who are dedicated to building connections with UV printing. Our quarterly publication will afford us the chance to build a better understanding by researching the issues relevant to you and develop a like-minded community that understands how critical print is to filling emotional gaps today.
We are pretty candid about our love for UV print and its impact in building meaningful relationships and our hypothesis is that you love it, too.
Warmest wishes,
Hans Ulland and Steve Metcalf
Print UV
Print UV magazine offers you a chance to connect with the print, marketing and design community four times per year.
A 250-word description accompanied by high-resolution imagery of either a product or a customer you would like to highlight. Your logo will accompany the sponsorship of the spotlight. Copy can be supplied by you, or we can create it.
online banners
Digital ads on our website are updated monthly.

Editorial Calendar & Dates
First EDITION 2021
Distribution Date: May 21, 2021
Material Due Date: April 15, 2021
Out of the Darkness: Print UV helps brands into the light
The History of Print UV
second EDITION 2021
Distribution Date: August 20, 2021
Material Due Date: June 25, 2021
Making an Impact: How to sell print in the modern landscape
Another Look: Why creatives need to reconsider print
third EDITION 2021
Distribution Date: November 19, 2021
Material Due: September 24, 2021
Engaging Our Senses: Why print design is making a comeback
The Plan: How to plan in confusing times
Distribution Date: February 19, 2021
Material Due Date: January 15, 2021
Seeking Counsel: Best practices and advice for UV printers
The Advantage: How brands can stand out in 2022
Spotlight on the Annual PRINT UV Conference
PRINT UV online Content
Print UV includes additional content that is distributed through email and social networks while being archived on www.PrintUV.com.
April 22
May 20
May 20
June 17
July 22
August 19
September 16
October 21
November 18
December 16
print UV Rates
Rates shown are for current PRINT UV CONFERENCE SPONSORS. For non-sponsors, please contact us for further information.
prime positions
Back Cover $2,675
Inside Front Cover $2,375
Inside Back Cover $2,250
Inside Front (right read) $2,250
4-color Ad Rates
Full Page
$2,050 (4x)
$2,250 (1x)
1/2 Page (horizontal or vertical)
$1,575 (4x)
$1,775 (1x)
pre-printed inserts
Call for quotation

Print UV magazine is a perfect-bound, 9″x11″ publication. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure important text and images are visible.
Live area: 8.25″ x 10.25″
Trim: 9″ x 11″
Bleed: 9.25″ x 11.25″
Live area: 8.25″ x 7.25″
Trim: 9″ x 8″
Bleed: 9.25″ x 8.25″
Live/safe area: 8.25″ x 10.25″ (each page)
Trim: 18″ x 11″
Bleed: 18.25″ x 11.25″
Banners for Print UV Online
Most standard banner sizes apply
Examples: 300×250 – Medium rectangle, 336×280 – Large rectangle, 300×600 – Half page or large skyscraper.
Ads can be animated or static. Banners are typically updated on a month-to-month basis.
Please Email us here with questions or to submit your banner.